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Se afișează postări din august, 2017

Licarind in miezul zilei

Doua picaturi de apa sunt ocean pentru roua diminetii, Toridul verii este iad al arcticului vietii, Dimineata sosita e-a noptii abis-granita. Eu si tie, tu si mie, ne-asternem cu viclenie, O momeala, o iscoada, nu de noi, ci naturala, Asa ca sa stim noi bine ca nimic nu se cuvine, Nici se merita, deci ramane numai o lupta.


Mandria de din faramituri stransa, Buna-i de incopciat, Cresterea ei nu-i difuza, doar obtuza, ea-i pe profit. Multui ei de cantitate, e un pumn, Ce loveste, nu pocneste, chiar striveste, Nu lasa loc de sperat. Doar prin noroc, e singurul mod de scapat.


Ideas, great ones, special, different, Dreams, so real in the imagination, Grown, forgotten and updated, All of them elements, Of what to offer, what to can. Play the rule the environment does, Respect, answer, highly adapt. Being pink in black & white, is a mistake, Being wished to help change colors, is to be.

You, remember

I need to watch as on a screen, The time we spent, the life we had. Is to remember to keep up the feeling, the joyful mind, To always get the beats of the heart That do such a desire of being with you. I do trust in the symbol that you are The way you make as two iconic. Need is not what you are, The builder from scratch of me, That is what you are.

Free non-mind

Whispers that come over night In the deepest time of sleep Are the messages that are told In a language that is one, the only one Made for you to see and understand To know and live yourself. Listen not just hear it, Be the kid that needs the story, Transfer yourself inner and live the imagination.