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Se afișează postări din iunie, 2020

Pui totul puiului

Nervii-ntinși de societate, Tumultul vremile de azi,  Presa tasatoare a lumii, Pucioasa respiratiei figurinelor de sfinți, Surâsul ce dedesubt este mârâit, Normalul care este bine zăpăcit, Tot interiorul, tot ce nu se vede, Este luminat de soarele ce-mi ești; Tot ce vine din tine este așa bun, Este exactul, este minunat.

Near, that I touch

You, a person that I met Near my home, on Picotee Unknown by name, Your eyes told me we are same, Still a stranger, so much want to know Inner, my harts started to blow   Everywhere, only the question: Who? Anxious about what to do When close, I felt your parfum, When far away, I am in the doldrums   A passion to be? Something like boiling in me, It’s the calling from your soul Mine, knowing I am yours   Your touch, how smooth could be Your words, how touchy Your kiss, how breathtaking Living, how bliss and alive   Having life is only when beating both hearts Is only when breathing both souls It is only when holding each other’s hands It is only speaking using both pair of lips.